The Properties and Therapeutic Uses of Ashitaba

The Therapeutic actions of Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi or Ashitaba in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine as practiced currently in the People's Republic of China. 

One of the fundamental actions of Ashitaba is that it is great at activating Qi and Xue (Blood). The application for this is apparent in the treatment in the menstrual problems. It removes stagnation in the uterus, which will help with many menstrual difficulties. It also increases blood flow (activates Qi and Blood). This herb, which can be used by it self alone, increases Kidney Yin and Yang Qi.

The increase of the Kidney Yang Qi will act as a diuretic and increase the urine output. In Japan, Ashitaba is used to treat hypertension. As a diuretic it has no side effects such as western medicines frequently have. It increases the libido (sex drive) for those persons with Kidney Yang Xu (deficiency). In terms of the increase in Kidney Yin Xu (deficiency), this herb is wonderful in treating the problem of Peri- menopause.

With a Kidney Yin Xu (deficiency) one of the cardinal symptoms in women is irregular or no menstruation. The usual four to six years of peri menopause that women in their middle forties to early fifties in age experience could be made much more comfortable with the use of Ashitaba. Because this herb warms the uterus, it is very useful in treating menstrual cramps and pain, regardless of the age of the patient.

Ashitaba is a useful Lactagogue, that is, an agent which induces the secretion of mother's milk. There is anecdotal evidence from Japan of a cow that was fed Ashitaba and had record milk production. By analogy, Ashitaba could be used with mastitis or low milk production after delivery.

Ashitaba harmonizes the spleen and stomach. It helps to balance the Earth element. There is a patient in Texas that has Insulin- Dependent Diabetes that is currently taking the herb. He says that he now has to use less Insulin because his blood sugar no longer spikes with attacks of Hyperglycemia. Another Diabetes patient in Japan took Ashitaba for six months and his blood sugar level droped from 400 mg./dL to 150 mg./dL. Dr. Baba at Osaka University School of Pharmacy has published a paper showing the decrease of the rate of acid production in the stomach with Ashitaba. In her paper he also showed a decrease in the severity of stress related to stomach ulcers. The extract of Ashitaba or Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi also exhibited an anti-bacterial action.

Research in Japan has shown that Ashitaba has anti- viral properties. At a 1993 Pharmacology Forum in Japan, it was reported that Ashitaba demonstrated antiHIV activity.

The Active Factors in Ashitaba

Chalcones are the active factors in Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi. The two that are in Ashitaba are known as Xanthoangelol and 4- Hydrooxyderricin. These were discovered by Dr. Baba. These factors are found only in this strain of Angelica and are derived from the yellowish liquid extract of the leaves and stems. This differentiates it from any other strain of Angelica.


Anonymous said...

Kindly provide some reference

Merlie M. Alunan said...

My gynura was sold as ashitaba. My plant is flourishing. Now I'm looking for the real ashitaba.

Merlie M. Alunan said...

My gynura was sold as ashitaba. My plant is flourishing. Now I'm looking for the real ashitaba.

Anonymous said...

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