Ashitaba Antioxidants Better than Green Tea

 We have all been hearing recommendations that we should drink green tea due to the level of anti-oxidants it contains and that anti-oxidants are beneficial to the body as they help eliminate free radicals and help prevent cancer.

Ashitaba can help you Slow Aging and stay young and healthy with supple and wrinkle free skin.

It is an natural Whole Food, a green leafy vegetable, containing antioxidant flavonoids and rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and fiber. It is good for vision, can lower cholesterol, is also a potent cancer fighter, and more.

The chalcone in ashitaba is a very potent antioxidant and an effective blood purifier. Antioxidants protect the cells from the free radical damage that can cause cell mutation. By controlling free radicals, aging can be prevented at the cellular level where the aging process begins. Cellular health is an important factor for healthy tissues and the efficient function of organs. These factors can result in an extended life span.

Ashitaba Green Tea
Ashitaba Green Tea Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei koidzumi) was listed as the most popular green food in Japan, [Ca Functional Foods] and contains potent antioxidant chalcones (Xanthoangelol and 4-hydroxyderricin). Numerous research studies to assess the properties of Ashitaba chalcones and their therapeutic uses have been performed in Japan, China and Korea revealing powerful anti-tumor (inhibiting skin and lung cancer),1 anti-thrombus, 2 anti-bacterial,3 anti-viral, anti-inflammatory,4 anti-mutagenic,5 and anti-ulcer6 properties. These chalcones also prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol7.

The purpose of this study is to compare the antioxidant value of ashitaba with green tea, and to see what quantity has practical use for health maintenance. The following test was conducted by Linda Hayano, of Natural Health & Wellness Farm, CA, and Dr. Andreas Sterner of Analytik Jena USA, Inc. TX.

This confirmed that the water-soluble antioxidant chalcones in ashitaba are indeed better than those of green tea (epigallocatechin), and therefore also better than those of soy, citrus fruits and red wine based on the studies of hops in beer by Oregon State University researchers [Buhler, Miranda,]. Their study also found chalcone in beer is such a trace element one would need to drink 120 gallons of beer daily to gain any benefit in comparison to only 1.5 - 2.0 grams of Ashitaba Green Dry Vegetable daily to achieve the same kind of result.

Other compounds in Ashitaba are:

psoralen, imperatorin, columbianagin, isorhazelpitin, rhazelpiton, selinidin,
4-hydrodexydelisin glycosides: isoquercitrin, ruteorin, angelic acid, bergapten,
Melatonin, Germanium,
Vitamins & Minerals:
Vitamin A, B, B2, C, B12, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and Fiber.

Ashitaba has been used in Japan for many centuries with no side effects.

1 [Kimura Y, Baba K Ehime University], [Okuyama T, Takata Meiji College of Pharmacy], [Akihisa T, Tokuda H, Nihon University]
2 [Wang X, Wei L LEMTA]
3[Inamori Y, Baba K Osaka University]
4 [Miranda, C.L, Oregon State University]
5 [Baba, K. Osaka University] [Dimmock JR, Elias DW University of Saskatchewan]
6 [Fujita T, Sakuma S Osaka University]
7 [Ogawa H, Nakashima S Kinki University School of Medicine, Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences] [Rodriguez RJ, Miranda Oregon State University]


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I completely agree with you, i think you have explained all the ashitaba in well manner.For more information about ashitaba visit us.

Unknown said...

What I like about a tea is its aroma. It smells so delicious.

Anna Schafer said...

The chalcone in ashitaba is a very potent antioxidant and an effective blood purifier. Antioxidants protect the cells from the free radical damage that can cause cell mutation. best matcha powder perth

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